
We move with hard work or with luck ?

There was a shopkeeper. People enjoy talking to him on every subject. One day suddenly a student got into conversation with him on ‘karma and destiny’.

He asked him a question.

The question was to the shopkeeper that – “man moves with hard work or with luck?

Listening to the answer he gave, all the nets of student’s brain cleared. That shopkeeper said,

Shopkeeper : many of us have a locker in bank.

Student : Yes.

Shopkeeper : the keys to that locker are the answer to this question. Each locker has two keys. One is with you and one is with a manager. The key you have is hard work and luck with the manager.

Student : Ok! So?

Shopkeeper : The lock of the locker cannot open until both keys are pressed. You are a karmayogi man and manager is God! You should also keep your keys. Do not know when the top one will put his key. We don’t know when God will put the key of luck, so we should always keep putting key of Hardwork so that whenever God puts key, our life shines.

Lesson to learn : Anytime luck can favour you, just keep your hardwork ready.

Action Step : From today onwards I will Keep doing my karma confidently and _________________(fill in the blank)__________________________________________________.

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