

STORY 1 Around 6:30 AM on August 8th, 2015, Swati, along with her mother, reached the campus of Anna University in Chennai, India, after traveling overnight for over 350 km by a bus from her village Musiri in the northeastern direction. She had never gone to any major town, let alone Chennai, which is the … EXTRAORDINARY ACT OF

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Based on a TRUE STORY

This is about an old couple. They were very gentle in nature. They had a son who was married and have two children. All of them were living quite happily. But suddenly the wife of the old man passed away. After a few days the son came to his father and said, “Dad, you shift … Based on a TRUE STORY Read More

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Paradox of Economics

I read it somewhere. Here goes the paradox: There is a very poor quaint little town where everyone is in a huge debt with someone but with no money to pay for it. There is hotel which is hardly seeing any business anymore. They are to soon shut it down. One day a very wealthy … Paradox of Economics Read More

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The “HOPE” Experiment

During a brutal study at Harvard in the 1950s, Dr. Curt Richter placed rats in a pool of water to test how long they could tread water. On average they’d give up and sink after 15 minutes. But right before they gave up due to exhaustion, the researchers would pluck them out, dry them off, … The “HOPE” Experiment Read

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7 Effective Parenting Tips

Every child is different . They should be groomed with love and care for a proper growth and development

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Kya aap MUDA karte hai ???

Once upon a time the Taj hotel group had invited Mr. Masai Imai from Japan to hold a workshop for its staff. The staf were very skeptical – the hotel is doing excellent business, this person from Japan has no exposure to hotel industry – what exactly is he going to teach? But everybody gathered … Kya aap MUDA karte

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What is the most clever life hack you’ve learned?

Let’s get started >>> PDF If you download a “PDF” file and you see the extension as “.exe”, delete it, It’s a virus. FREE WIFI If the WIFI at an airport/hotel costs money, add “?.jpg” at the end of any URL (they usually don’t redirect images). YouTube If you want to download a YouTube video, … What is the

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Why do we have Brakes in a car ?

The Answer will blow your mind… Someone asked…Why do we have Brakes in a car ? Varied answers received, like,“To stop”,“To reduce speed”,“To avoid collision” etc., But the best answer was,To enable you to drive faster…. Give it a thought.It’s true but seldom such smart out of box thinking

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Is your problem bigger than this ?

Sometimes there are some moments when we are surrounded by problems from all sides and are unable to take any decision. Once upon a time a pregnant deer in the forest was about to give birth to a doe (baby deer). She was wandering in search of a safe place. Than she saw high and … Is your problem bigger than this ? Read More

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PARENTING TIP: What should parents teach their kids?

There is an unspoken rule in photography. It says : After going to the location, don’t set up the tripod first and mount your camera. If you do so, the movement of your camera gets limited. You cannot explore all of the location as you wish. Your movement will be heavily controlled by your tripod. … PARENTING TIP: What should

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Why is it that some high IQ individuals turn out to be failures in the end?

This is an Orca whale. It’s an incredibly powerful aquatic mammal. It has such a reputation that it’s also known as a “killer whale.” It’s been documented that killer whales can kill great white sharks. Yet, no matter how powerful Orcas are, these animals are completely powerless outside their natural habitat. In a similar way,

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“Please, one last chance.”

It is indeed interesting and might be helpful. It might help you gain that lost charm back in life, if you have lost it. It can help you to start again, if you think things have ended. I call this the “Second-Chance” trick. Imagine……………. This is 2030. You are in the lowest phase of your … “Please, one last

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