I spent many months in hospitals when my father was not well. During these months, I observed many people in hospital. They are quite different. Let me tell you what I saw.

I always saw parents worried about their children’s school reports. In hospital, children where worried about their parent’s blood reports. Oh my god! A few observations bring out tears.
People outside pray for money, fame, car, home, bikes, new mobile etc. Inside hospital, a woman used to pray, “god, today my husband’s urine output should be normal.”
Just in case, if you don’t know, if urine output is less then that might indicate, one of your organs is in serious condition.

Outside hospital people are so busy that they have no time. Inside hospital people just wait and are looking ways to spend time with their beloved ones.

Some people outside hospital complain and beat kids more than they deserve. In hospital, I met couples who were roaming one hospital to other hospital for years to have a baby.

Thank god if you can eat something properly. Because I have seen in hospital not one or two but many people (patients) who were finding it very difficult to eat, chew or swallow. Things that we do with little or no effort in our day to day life was an achievement in itself to do in hospital. It was a kind of miracle.
People outside hospital complain that the world is bad. This happened. That happened. Even I do the same sometime. People inside “Eye hospital” pray to get a vision of the world.
I learned: Good health is the biggest luxury. Almost everything else can be gained by HARDWORK.
The thing which we think are “small” might matter the most one day.
We should stop making a mountain out of our career, relationship and social problems. Don’t wait for a day that will bring you to hospital.
Stop whining and start winning people’s heart including your family. Enjoy life. We live once so live it to the fullest.

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