A bottle of a litre water at Amazon is Rs 18.
The same bottle in the supermarket is worth about Rs 20.
The same bottle in a bar costs Rs 50.
In a good restaurant or hotel it can be worth up to Rs 100
At an airport, you may be charged Rs 100-150.
The bottle and the brand is the same, the only thing that changes is the place. Each place gives a different value to the same product.
When you feel like you are worth nothing and everyone brings you down, do not stay there, get up and find a new place.
This mentality of feeling like you are not enough has stolen dreams, ambitions, relationships, health and happiness away from people.
Have the courage to change places and go to a place where you are given the value you deserve. Surround yourself with people who really appreciate your worth.

Don’t settle for less.
True to need to know ur value nd move on …
A very good thought