
The Peanut Strategy

Have you ever wondered why they serve peanuts at a bar before someone drink? In my mind, it is for two reasons. First, salted peanuts distract you from the actual taste of a poorly mixed drink and second, it slows down the absorption of alcohol; thus, you can order more drinks. The peanut strategy at … The Peanut Strategy Read

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One day a farmer’s donkey fell into a well. The animal cried loudly for hours, while the farmer tried to find something to do to get him out. Finally, the farmer decided that the donkey was old and the well was already dry and needed to be covered anyway; that it really wasn’t worth pulling … THE TEACHING OF THE DONKEY

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cloudHQ – helping your productivity and protecting your data with one click at the time.

cloudHQ is an online service offering email productivity workflow solutions and cloud sync and backup solutions. cloudHQ was founded in 2011 by Senad Dizdar. In 2013, both Naomi Assaraf joined on as co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer, and Blaz Lupiscek joined on as co-founder and Chief Technology Officer. cloudHQ has three offerings

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person holding a kite

What inspires and motivates you today?

Just woke up in morning, the day was yesterday so much challenging for me. I was in little tension, I don’t know, why…. I thought today I will feel peace but My mind was continuously talking.. My mom came and give me tea…but I couldn’t drink…. I was criticizing myself…for not doing good yesterday… It … What

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Do you feel like sometime you are worth nothing ?

A bottle of a litre water at Amazon is Rs 18. The same bottle in the supermarket is worth about Rs 20. The same bottle in a bar costs Rs 50. In a good restaurant or hotel it can be worth up to Rs 100 At an airport, you may be charged Rs 100-150. The … Do you feel like sometime you are worth nothing ? Read More

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What makes your blood boil?

Average height of a human male is 1.7 metres, and that of a female is 1.6 metres. Now, consider being trapped in a cube shaped cage with 2 metres side length. Something like this. (Not exactly similar but I think you got the idea) You have got 4 metres square of area to walk/run and … What makes your blood boil? Read More

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Why should we not complain in life?

Let me introduce a lady to you, Ms. Uma. She lost her husband 10 years ago. But she didn’t lose hope and has single-handedly started taking care of her son after everything instead of crying for help. Later she joined Zomato as a delivery staff. and guess what? She has been awarded a Diamond star … Why should we not complain in

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I spent many months in hospitals when my father was not well. During these months, I observed many people in hospital. They are quite different. Let me tell you what I saw. One: I always saw parents worried about their children’s school reports. In hospital, children where worried about their parent’s blood reports. Oh my

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A mouse story

I came across a story which helped me learn some great things about life. There are many things that we can learn from this story: Thanks for

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Some photos worth sharing.

This man sends his wife photoshopped pictures every time she asks him if their kids are okay. LOL

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Do you know him ?

Here are some unique facts which you will love it. Did you remember his name

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How to turn a tiger turning into a fat cat ?

What are the biggest mistakes that many Indians make? Catch a tiger, give shelter and provide meat three times a day, you will see the tiger turning into a fat cat. A picture of obese tiger in a zoo of China. Extreme conditions in the forests make a tiger a tiger. Your kid is like … How to turn a tiger turning into a fat cat ?

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Mahavir Jain

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