
The Peanut Strategy

Have you ever wondered why they serve peanuts at a bar before someone drink? In my mind, it is for two reasons.

First, salted peanuts distract you from the actual taste of a poorly mixed drink and second, it slows down the absorption of alcohol; thus, you can order more drinks.

The peanut strategy at the workplace is similarly adopted to distract the employee from asking the fundamental question if she/he is enjoying the drink at the workplace. Peanuts like a pizza party, musical night, bar night, appreciation mail that looks fishy, free coupons, free lunch, an employee of the month certificate, a promise for tomorrow that never comes or even feedback which leaves you confused could be like the peanut distraction.

You need to train your mind to set your own goals, mix your own drink and enjoy it, undistracted if you can.

So what kind of peanut strategies have you seen that could distract you from learning and growing?

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